Donate to the Nature Enhancement Fund
The Nature Enhancement Fund was created to sustain our mandate as an Association to help ensure the growth and sustainability for our industry and to preserve the opportunity to hunt and fish and the viability of our lakes and forest. Every two years the money collected from our Enhancement Fund is awarded to groups who have applied for grants that benefit the resource tourism, hunting and fishing industry in Manitoba.
In 2019, the membership voted to make the Nature Enhancement fund mandatory for all members of the Manitoba Lodges and Outfitters Association. NEF is a key funding source to maintain your Association, so we are here to help you and keep you informed of changes.
We encourage you to explain to your guests the importance of the work we do and the support we provide for our lodges, outfitters, accommodations and eco-tourism facilities. Many of these folks are familiar with funds throughout the various states and provinces that do similar things to support conservation. All the guests coming to your lodges and operations appreciate the wilderness, forests and pristine lakes Manitoba offers and we are sure will gladly support our efforts to maintain that experience for them. We have also included a NEF guest information document for you to place somewhere for guests to read.
For each $25.00 entry, your operation will receive one entry into the draw for $3000.00 towards a trip the next year at your lodge. MLOA will complete a draw amongst all entries at the Annual General Meeting. The winning operator will be responsible for completing a draw amongst their year’s guests and notify the winner of the $3000.00 towards the trip. Once the individual has been notified and confirmed their attendance, MLOA will distribute the $3000 to the operator.
Here are some suggestions for soliciting donations to the NEF:
- Add a line item on their bill for the $25.00
- Put NEF cards out on the bar or in the lounge area for them to look at
- Increase the price of one popular item by $0.50 or $1.00 and put that aside for NEF
We have enclosed a form to track your donations throughout the year. These can be paid following each of your seasons by mailing a check or in one lump sum by December 1st of each calendar year. MLOA has enclosed the levels of payment based on annual income.
By contributing to the Nature Enhancement Fund, you are allowing us to continue to represent the Lodges and Outfitters in legislative negotiations and providing support to groups and organizations to strengthen and improve knowledge and management of our forests, lakes and wildlife in Manitoba.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Board of Directors