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31 December 2024


As we head into 2025 there have been many challenges to reflect on in the past year. Never has our access to natural resources been at such risk. That is why it is so important to share our messages to other stakeholders about how valuable our industry is to this province. 

We are an economic tourism driver, but we are also the only non-profit outfitter and tourism operator organization in Canada not supported by government funding. We need your support to protect what we have and what we can do. 

The Manitoba Lodges and Outfitters Association (MLOA) recognizes Sustainable Tourism Development as a vital concept for effective management of businesses in the outdoor tourism industry. The MLOA is committed to developing and sustaining a strong and stable tourism industry in Manitoba that offers the highest quality and diversity of outdoor attractions, vacations and adventures.
As outdoor tourism operators, we believe that we can contribute significantly to Sustainable Tourism Development.

It was with this in mind that we put together the most recent AGM, with speakers from all parts of the industry. If you haven't registered already you should. It promises to be a thought provoking two days of conversation and information. 

You can see the list of speakers and a full program rundown in the AGM and Tradeshow pulldown on the website.

See you in a couple of weeks. 

Don Lamont

Executive Director

Manitoba Lodges and Outfitters