Recently, Manitoba Keewaitinowi Okimakanak Ltd. (MKO) made a public social media post demanding the Manitoba government implement several items, including the immediate termination of the Manitoba resident big game draw licenses in specific game hunting areas and the cessation of enforcement of the Manitoba regulations against First Nation hunters.
MLOA immediately voiced grave concerns to the government and requested a response. Following this, the government advised that the results of the Manitoba resident big game draw would be delayed until July 12th. The MLOA continues to receive no response to requests for an explanation for such a lengthy delay.
The MLOA understands and supports the government's efforts at reconciliation; however, we strongly urge all parties to recognize and uphold the rights of all Manitobans. Furthermore, the MLOA firmly believes that valuing one group more than another is not only counterproductive to the reconciliation process but will cause further division amongst Manitoba residents. There is no greater way to divide our province, which has rich generational hunting, fishing, and trapping heritage, than to terminate the rights of others.
MLOA represents licensed lodges and outfitters in the province. The MLOA and many other organizations have chosen to collaborate, communicate, find the middle ground and advocate for each other. This is the proper path to ensure a sustainable future for our resources and all stakeholders. Our top priority is that management decisions be based on science and user-carrying capacity, not politics. The MLOA would also like to acknowledge the government's election commitment to a shared management approach and the commitment to supporting our fish and wildlife populations.
Melanie MacCarthy
Manitoba Lodges & Outfitters
204-447-7727 (mobile)